Fall 2024 Course Syllabus
Course: CHEF-1301 (Section: 2GH, CRN: 93057)
Basic Food Preparation
LSCPA Logo Image
Instructor Information
Instructor Michelle Watson
Email watsonma@lamarpa.edu
Phone (409) 681-4311
Office Press - Room: 106C
Office Hours (M-TR 7am-8am, M-TR 1pm-3pm, M-TR 3:30-4:30pm)
Additional Contact Information 409-681-4311
Course Information
Description A study of the fundamental principles of food preparation and cookery to include Brigade System, cooking techniques, material handling, heat transfer, sanitation, safety, nutrition, and professionalism.
Required Textbooks Textbook Purchasing Statement: A student attending Lamar State College Port Arthur is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.

Professional Cooking 9th edition- by Wayne Gisslen (9781119399612) Wiley

On Cooking 6th Edition (Not required)
Additional Materials/Resources Black Hat 
Issued Chef Coat  
Black Chef Pants 
Slip Resistant Black Shoes
Knife Kit 
Students must attend class every day in proper uniform or you will be sent home
Corequisites/Prerequisites None
Learning Outcomes Demonstrate skills in knife, tool and equipment identification, proper use, technique and handling.
Operate equipment safely, properly and efficiently. 
Demonstrate proficiency in dry and moist heat cooking methods; produce a variety of food products applying principles of food handling and preparation; implement professional standards in food production.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
  • Identify concepts, terms, and phrases associated with the culinary arts and hospitality industry.
  • Identify and implement sanitation and safety procedures and regulations as required in the industry.
  • Use fundamental cooking and baking techniques as well as advanced cooking skills.
  • Identify and use advanced food service management theory, including food and labor cost controls, labor regulations, tax laws , tip reporting, franchise regulations and product liability laws
Lecture Topics Outline
The Kitchen. The History of the Culinary Profession.
Sanitation and Safety.

Knives: Knife Handling and Proper Knife Techniques.

The basic knife cuts.
Food Preparation.
Cooking, Equipment, and Measurement.
Menus, Nutrition, and Recipes.
Building Flavor, Body, and Texture.

Vegetables, Grains, and Pasta.
Meat Cookery.
Poultry Cookery.
Fish and Shellfish Cookery.
Breakfast, Brunch and Dairy Products.
Hot and Cold Food Planning, Production, and Presentation.
Major Assignments Schedule

Week 1 Syllabus review, pre-test, Blackboard and Self Service Banner. book review

Week 2 Read and work on assignments The Kitchen and Sanitation and Safety Chapter 1 and 2

Week 3  Read and work on assignments Preparation and Cooking, Equipment, and Measurement  Chapter 3 and Chapter 4

Week 4 Read and work on assignments Menus, Nutrition, and Recipes Chapter 5

Week 5 Read and work on assignments Building Flavor, Body, and Texture Chapter 6

Week 6 Read and work on assignments and Cooking on Soups Chapter 7

Week 7 Read and work on assignments and Cooking on Sauces Chapter 8  Also Test on Chapters 1-7

Week 8 Read and work on assignments and Cooking Vegetables, Grains, and Pasta Chapter 9

Week 9  Read and work on assignments and Cooking on Meat Cookery and Poultry Cookery Chapter 10 and Chapter 11

Week 10  Read and work on assignments and Cooking on Fish and Shellfish Cookery Chapter 12

Week 11   Read and work on assignments and Cooking on Breakfast, Beverages, and Dairy Products  Chapter 13

Week 12   Read and work on assignments and Cooking on Pantry Production Chapter 14 Also Test on Chapters 8-14

Week 13   Read and work on assignments and Cooking on Hors D'oeuvres and Food Presentation Chapter 15 ( This will be a short week) 

Week 14   Read and work on assignments and Cooking on The Bakeshop and Desserts Chapter 16 and 17

Week 15  Finals 

Final Exam Date December 5, 2024 - 2:0 PM   Through  December 5, 2024 - 3:0 PM
Grading Scale  90 - 100=A 80 - 89=B  70 - 79=C   60 - 69=D  Below 59 = F
Determination of
Final Grade
Tests - 30%, Assignments - 10%, Quizzes - 20%, Final Exam - 15%,
Class Participation/Lab Participation (Discussion) 15%

Attendance 10%
Course Policies
Instructor Policies LATE WORK is highly discouraged and will incur a 10 point penalty for every day it is late.
Due dates are given and provide enough time to complete all work.

There will be a practical final exam.
All students must take the exam on the scheduled date and time, and failure to do so will result in a 0 on the final exam.

Every student MUST have a copy of the required textbooks by the SECOND week of class.
The student will still be responsible for any assignments given. 

Students are responsible for completing all assignments.

A failure to follow oral and/or written instructions will result in penalties.
Academic dishonesty will result in a zero on any assignment; a second incidence of academic dishonesty will be handled based on campus policies and procedures with the department chair.

No cell phones should be visible or heard during class. No earbuds or listening devices. This includes classroom and lab/kitchen.

Students must be in a clean uniform and in full uniform at all times.
If you show up to class out of uniform or in a dirty uniform you will be sent home.
You may use the kitchen washer/dryer to clean your uniform if you need to.
Hair must be neat and off the shoulder with a hat or secured in hair net.
No large earrings or dangling jewelry.

No heavy perfumes or colognes.

All students are required to clean up after themselves.
Students must clean ALL of their own dishes, any and all equipment used and work stations top and bottom. Including floors and counters and all surfaces. Dish room, sinks, walk-ins and refrigeration.
Each class will sweep and mop and take out the trash to the dumpster at the end of class every day
Large kitchen maintenance and deep cleaning projects will be assigned regularly and counted as lab time as needed to keep up with maintaining a spotless and organized kitchen.
Students will put dishes away from the previous class before starting cooking for the day.
Proper storage and rotation of food deliveries and maintaining organization of stored foods will be the responsibility of students as instructed by the Chef.

No student will be excused from the kitchen until they are checked out by the Chef.
All students will stay until all cleaning is complete and the class will be excused as a group together.
Please schedule work around class time.
No one will be permitted to leave class before the rest of the class is dismissed, unless it is an emergency.
No food is to leave the kitchen without permission of the Chef.
Do not go behind the counter of the Bistro or help yourself to things in the Bistro for any reason.
Attendance Policy Attendance is 10% of your grade in this class.
Students more than 15 minutes late will be marked absent for the day.
Students more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed to join the class that day.
I will not let you join the rest of the class in lab if you are more than 15 minutes late to class.
Please notify me if you will be absent.
After (3) unexcused absences you will be dropped a letter grade.
Additional Information Please enter through the front door of the building.
A hat must be worn in the kitchen at all times. If you don't have one, a hairnet will be provided.

Students clean as a team. Everyone must stay until all the clean-up is done. No exceptions.
Please do not take this class if you can't work it around your work schedule.
Students must be checked-out upon completion of clean-up before you can leave for the day.
No food is to exit the building (including food you make) without permission from the Chef.
Do not go behind the counter in the Bistro for any reason.
Institutional Policies
MyLSCPA Be sure to check your campus email and Course Homepage using MyLSCPA campus web portal. You can also access your grades, transcripts, academic advisors, degree progress, and other services through MyLSCPA.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSCPA policies (Academic Dishonesty section in the Student Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty.
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241.
COVID 19 Information The Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) Student Code of Conduct COVID 19 Policy requires students who have been diagnosed with COVID 19 to report their condition directly to their local health department. Students should also contact their course faculty to report their quarantine status. In addition, this policy requires all students to wear face coverings when directly exposed to COVID 19 in compliance with the criteria included in the policy. For more information please refer to the COVID 19 link on the LSCPA website.
Facility Policies No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
HB 2504 This syllabus is part of LSCPA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504.
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect As per Texas law and LSCPA policy, all LSCPA employees, including faculty, are required to report allegations or disclosures of child abuse or neglect to the designated authorities, which may include a local or state law enforcement agency or the Texas Department of Family Protective Services. For more information about mandatory reporting requirements, see LSCPA's Policy and Procedure Manual.
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct LSCPA is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other forms of sexual misconduct. All LSCPA employees, including faculty, have the responsibility to report disclosures of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault (including rape and acquaintance rape), domestic violence, dating violence, relationship violence, or stalking, to LSCPA's Title IX Coordinator, whose role is to coordinate the college's response to sexual misconduct. For more information about Title IX protections, faculty reporting responsibilities, options for confidential reporting, and the resources available for support visit LSCPA's Title IX website.
Clery Act Crime Reporting For more information about the Clery Act and crime reporting, see the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report and the Campus Security website.

Grievance / Complaint / Concern If you have a grievance, complaint, or concern about this course that has not been resolved through discussion with the Instructor, please consult the Department Chair.
Department Information
Business and Industrial Technology
Chair:Sheila Guillot
Phone:(409) 984-6381